Get tested

When and where should I get tested for syphilis?

Prepared by: Bratislav Prokić, June 2023
Review: Dr. Milan Bjekić, dermatovenerologist,
City Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases - Belgrade

How do I know if I have syphilis?

The only way to know if you might have syphilis is to get tested. You can be infected with syphilis for years without showing any visible symptoms. People who are not aware that they are infected can transmit the infection sexually.

Which syphilis test should I do?

For syphilis, you need to do two laboratory tests of venous blood: TPHA and VDRL. You can also do a quick test of a drop of blood from your finger. Rapid tests are used for field and in-community testing. 

For syphilis, you need to do two laboratory tests of venous blood: TPHA and VDRL. You can also do a quick test of a drop of blood from your finger. Rapid tests are used for field and in-community testing.

For laboratory tests of venous blood 4-6 weeks should pass from the potential exposure (TPHA becomes positive in the 4th week and VDRL a little later, between the 4th and 6th week), and 3 months for the rapid test. This means that even if you have a visible chancre as a symptom of a primary infection, the test may not immediately show that you have syphilis.

Where can I get tested for syphilis?

Laboratory tests for TPHA and VDRL can be performed at the City Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases in Belgrade (for Belgrade citizens), at private laboratories and public health institutes, as well as at dermatovenerology clinics at clinical centers (with a referral). If you are a gay man, you can do a quick syphilis test at an association like Potent, free of charge and anonymously.

If the result of the syphilis test is positive

You need to contact a dermatovenerologist who will prescribe the appropriate therapy and continue to monitor the success of the treatment through the results of the VDRL test.

What tests can I do if I have already had syphilis?

If you have had syphilis in the past and want to see if you might be infected again, you should not do the TPHA or rapid test, just the VDRL. The result of the VDRL test will show the doctor if there has been a re-infection. 

How often should I get tested?

In an open conversation with a doctor or counselor you will get advice on whether and how often you should be tested for syphilis. You should get tested more often if you are a sexually active gay or bisexual man, if you have HIV, or if you use PrEP.