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How can I reduce my risk of contracting syphilis?

Prepared by: Bratislav Prokić, June 2023
Review: Dr. Milan Bjekić, dermatovenerologist,
City Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases - Belgrade

How can I not get syphilis?

The only way not to get syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections is sexual abstinence (no oral, vaginal or anal sex). 

How can I reduce my risk of contracting syphilis?

You can reduce the risk by building a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who does not have syphilis. Make sure both of you get tested. The correct use of condoms during every sexual relationship prevents contact with a syphilitic wound (chancre) and prevents the transmission of the infection. However, if the chancre is in an area not covered by a condom and there is a contact with the bodily fluids of an infected sexual partner (semen, vaginal secretions, and saliva) the infection can occur.

If I’m a gay or bisexual man

You should know that most syphilis infections in Serbia are detected among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. That number has been increasing year after year for almost two decades in the entire Western world. The transmission of syphilis increases the chance of transmission of HIV infection seven times, and that is why it is important that you perform an HIV test in addition to the syphilis test. If left untreated, syphilis can cause brain and nerve complications, vision problems, and even blindness.