Prepared by: Vukašin Radovanović, June 2023
Review: Dr. Milan Bjekić, dermatovenerologist,
City Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases – Belgrade
What is syphilis?
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum, which penetrates body through the skin, mouth, vagina or anus. The infection is relatively easy to treat, but if left untreated it can cause serious health problems. treponema pallidum, koja prodire kroz kožu, usta, vaginu ili anus. Infekcija se relativno lako leči, ali ako se ne leči može izazvati ozbiljne zdravstvene probleme.
How can I get syphilis?
Any sexually active person can get syphilis, through anal, vaginal or oral sex. It is transmitted by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as “hard chancre”, which occurs at the point of penetration of the bacterium into the body: on or around the penis, on or inside of vagina, anus, mouth. It is also transmitted by the contact with the bodily fluids of an infected sexual partner (semen, vaginal secretions, and saliva). A pregnant woman infected with syphilis can transmit the infection to her unborn child.
What are the symptoms of syphilis?
Syphilis symptoms are manifested differently in relation to the stage of the disease. Typical symptoms are syphilitic painless sore (“hard chancre”), enlarged painless lymph glands, rash and skin changes. In the asymptomatic stage, syphilis does not show any symptoms, while in the late stage, damage to the brain, nerves, and heart can occur. Complications of untreated syphilis are loss of vision, brain inflammation, etc.
How can I not get syphilis?
The only way to not get syphilis is to not have sex, or to be in a mutually monogamous relationship with a person who is not infected. Condoms reduce the risk of infection, because they prevent contact with the wound - chancre, which is the source of infection. However, chancre can also appear in places not covered by a condom.
How do I know if I have syphilis?
The only way to find out if you have syphilis is to do a blood laboratory test for syphilis (TPHA and VDRL), or a rapid test. In order for the test result to be valid, it is necessary that 6 weeks (for laboratory tests) or 3 months (for rapid tests) pass since the potentially risky encounter.
Is syphilis curable?Is syphilis curable?
Syphilis is curable. It is treated with penicillin or appropriate antibiotics. Early detection and treatment of infection reduces the risk of complications and permanent damage to the body. After treatment, syphilis can be re-acquired.