Prepared by: Bratislav Prokić, September 2022
Review: Dr. Jovana Milić,
Metabolic clinic for HIV in Modena, Italy
What is the life expectancy of people living with HIV?
Studies show that people living with HIV can have a life expectancy similar to that of the general population, assuming they are diagnosed at the right time, receive quality medical care, and adhere to a prescribed regimen of antiretroviral therapy.
How many years can people with HIV enjoy good health?
Some studies show that people living with HIV can suffer from typical diseases associated with aging to a greater degree, such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or osteoporosis. These diseases can appear earlier in people living with HIV compared to those who do not have it.
How to influence the extension of life span and years of good health?
Age, genetics, family history of disease, or the presence of HIV if we have it, cannot be influenced. However, we can stop smoking, be physically active, have a balanced diet, maintain a healthy body weight, avoid alcohol and drugs, ad stay socially connected.
What HIV-related factors affect life expectancy?
- - Timely diagnosis, modern therapy and quality of treatment are important for the life expectancy and health of people living with HIV. People who start therapy as early as possible, before their CD4 cell count drops to low levels, have a better long-term outlook.
- Serious HIV-related illnesses in the past that occurred before diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy may have a negative impact on life expectancy.
- Year HIV infection was diagnosed. Improved HIV drugs and better health care are expected to offer better prospects for longer life expectancy and more years of good health today, meaning that people diagnosed in recent years have better prospects than those diagnosed earlier.
- Good result after one year of treatment. Studies show that a good response to therapy during the first year of treatment has a positive impact on life expectancy, especially in people who achieve immeasurable viral load (negative PCR test result) and whose CD4 cell count reaches at least 350.
What non-HIV factors affect life expectancy?
- Other diseases,such as heart disease, liver disease or cancer can be the cause of premature death.
- Injecting drugs affects the lifespan of users due to possible overdoses, higher risk of chronic viral hepatitis (HBV, HCV), risk of heart attack and bacterial infections.
- Socioeconomic circumstances such as place of upbringing, living conditions, level of income and education significantly influence life expectancy.
- Genetics and sex. Veće šanse da razviju neke bolesti imaju osobe čiji članovi porodice imaju ta oboljenja. Očekivani životni vek žena je nešto veći od muškaraca.
- Mental health. High level of stress, social exclusion, depression, etc. is associated with shortened life expectancy.
- Lifestyle. Life expectancy is longer for people who are physically active, eat a variety of foods, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs.
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