Prepared by: Bratislav Prokić, November 2022
Review: Prof. Dr. Biljana Kocić, epidemiologist,
Institute of Public Health - Niš
If you received a positive test result and are wondering what to do next, know that you are not alone. Contact us for information and support.
What does a positive HIV test result mean?
A positive or reactive test result indicates that the test has reacted to something in your blood that needs further investigation. This HIV test result is considered preliminary and a final diagnosis cannot be made based on it – you need to do confirmatory tests.
Can an HIV test result be false positive?
Falsely reactive HIV test results are very rare, but are possible due to the test reacting to another infection or substance. Common causes are: recent vaccination against influenza or hepatitis B, autoimmune diseases, Lyme disease, sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, mononucleosis, pregnancy, administration of gamma globulin and immunoglobulin.
Where should I take a confirmatory HIV test?
It is best to do the confirmation tests in health institutions that have the most precise technologies and a lot of experience in performing such tests. First of all, in HIV departments of infectious disease clinics in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac and in HIV counseling centers at institutes for public health.
How long will it take for me to receive a confirmatory HIV test result?
In most public health institutions, the result of the confirmatory test will be ready the next day, and in some cases within a few days.
If I don’t have health insurance, can I get a confirmatory HIV test?
With a preliminary positive HIV test result, you will be able to take a confirmatory test in reference health institutions without health insurance. If the doctor diagnoses HIV infection after the confirmatory tests, with the diagnosis report you can exercise your right to health insurance in order to start treatment.
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