Get tested

Testing for HIV / Diagnostics

Bratislav Prokić, April 2022

Why is it important to get tested for HIV?
HIV counseling and testing is recommended for all sexually active people. It is the only way to know the HIV status. Treatment can prevent the development of the disease, AIDS and death. People who start treatment in time can have an uninterrupted life expectancy and cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners.

Where can free and anonymous testing be done in Serbia?
Voluntary and confidential HIV counseling and testing is available at 24 institutes for public health in Serbia. Persons at increased risk of HIV infection, such as men who have sex with men, can be tested at the Potent checkpoint in Belgrade, Niš, Kragujevac and Novi Sad..

What is the window period?
The window period refers to the time after infection during which HIV tests cannot detect infection markers (p24 antigen (Ag) and antibodies (Ab)), because they are still absent, or are too rare. With fourth generation tests (Ag, Ab) it is best to wait 45 days, and with rapid tests (At) 90 days.

What does a non-reactive HIV test result mean?
A non-reactive or negative HIV test result means that no markers indicating HIV infection have been detected. If the risk for HIV infection was recent, it is necessary to repeat the test after the end of the window period. When the test result is non-reactive after the end of the window period, we can be sure that the person does not have HIV.

What does a reactive HIV test result mean?
A reactive result means that the test reacted with something in the blood that could be (but is not necessarily) the HIV virus or the antibodies. A reactive result indicates HIV infection, but no test is 100% accurate, so it is necessary to perform a confirmatory test in a reference institution.

What to do if the HIV test result is reactive?
After a reactive HIV test result, it is necessary to perform a confirmatory test as soon as possible at an infectious disease clinic or public health institute. If one contacts the Potent association, they will receive useful information, support and accompaniment when visiting a doctor. Only after a confirmatory test can a diagnosis of HIV infection be made.

What can cause a false positive HIV test result?
A falsely reactive HIV test result is rare, but is possible due to an antibody reaction to another infection or substance. Common causes are: administration of influenza or hepatitis B vaccine, autoimmune diseases, Lyme disease, sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, mononucleosis, pregnancy, administration of gamma globulin and immunoglobulin.

How reliable are rapid HIV tests?
Rapid tests are as reliable as other tests, if the 90-day window period is respected.